Last Days "Diplomacy"
How Christian Nationalism threatens Ukraine, Canada, Greenland, NATO and the World Order (Scroll to the end to listen)
Tuesday, 11 March 2025 at 11am EST,
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On 26 November 2024, I wrote a newsletter about how Russia plays into Christian Nationalist interpretations of Biblical Last Days prophecies. I am reviewing this topic in light of specific actions the US regime has taken to destabilize the planet.
Since free subscribers lack access to archives, I include a couple of relevant paragraphs from this newsletter below. To fully understand what’s happening, the whole series is a Must Read.
Christian Nationalist Bible scholars generally agree that Gog is the leader of the land of Magog and assign this area to modern day Russia. Throughout recorded history, various land masses and peoples have been associated with Gog and Magog in both Christian and Muslim texts: the Scythians (1st century), the Huns (5th and 6th centuries), the Magyars (10th century), and the entire Muslim world (the Crusades.) Like humans of any other era, today’s Christian Nationalists label these locations to underscore their certainty (or lack of faith.)
Meshech and Tubal are also thought to mean parts of Russia, Ukraine, and the Georgian republic. Also possibly parts of Turkey. Therefore, Christian Nationalists would insist that Russia must prevail and subsume Ukraine for this particular prophecy to come true. It is another lens through which to view Republican refusal to support Ukraine.
Christian Nationalists believe a one-world government will usher in the return of Jesus Christ. For this to happen, the world’s biggest democracy and economy (US) must be toppled.
This is a theme many Christian Nationalist pastors have been hammering for five decades, which is why I have repeatedly stated that evangelical Christians will become even more radicalized the worse things get. They will point to every fresh horror and exclaim, “Glory hallelujah! Jesus is coming!”
Tech bros want to create “techno-states” to replace democracy, but Christian Nationalists have a different goal: The consolidation of a one-world government under the Anti-Christ. They go along with Musk and his nerd reich because it gets them closer to their goal: The Battle of Armageddon and the glorious return on Jesus Christ.
Why does this matter to Canada, Greenland, Panama, NATO countries, and Ukraine?
The Christian Nationalist arm of the Republican Party (which is most of them) have been indoctrinated to make this Last Days prophecy integral to their faith and identity. Every diplomatic decision is viewed through this apocalyptic lens, with an eye toward preparing the way for one-world government, the rise of the Anti-Christ, and Jesus Christ’s return to earth.
Some recent examples:
People like Mike Huckabee believe Israel must be whole for Last Days prophecies to come true. He uses the Biblical names “Judea and Samaria” for the West Bank and is on the record denying Palestine’s right to exist.
While the media narrative has focused on the regime’s audacious plans to develop Gaza, make no mistake: Allowing Israel to reclaim Gaza is central to Christian Nationalist Last Days dogma. If they use the carrot their god most prefers - graft - to make their Bibles come true, so be it.
As referenced earlier, Christian Nationalists interpret ancient Biblical names to mean Russia subsumes Ukraine. They are on board with the recent disastrous Oval Office appearance, the ceasing of all US military aid to Ukraine, the gutting of USAID to provide humanitarian support to Ukraine, and the cessation of intelligence sharing with Ukraine.
Ukraine’s fall to Russia makes Christian Nationalist interpretations of their Bibles come true. THIS IS ALL THEY CARE ABOUT. Not human beings. Not peace. Not how the fall of Ukraine would threaten the rest of Europe.
The more horrific things become, the more they will crow the Last Days are here.
This Christian Nationalist Last Days dogma runs deep. It isn’t a fluke or a passing fancy. Barring a major course correction, the United States will be democracy’s enemy going forward. I’m not a diplomat. I don’t have foreign policy training. But if I were Ukraine and anyone involved in preserving it, I would classify the United States as a sworn enemy, work with NATO, and build other alliances.
Canada and Greenland
The annexation of Canada and Greenland are, in my view, more tech billionaire aims, but they tie into Christian Nationalist views of the Last Days.
Because the United States isn’t mentioned in their Bibles, it must fall for their prophecies to come true. They therefore enthusiastically participate in the gutting of their own government, economy, and country. The ultimate outcome of these incursions is irrelevant, as long as it weakens the United States and hastens the rise of the Anti-Christ and one-world government.
My comments in the Ukraine section above apply here as well. I hope Canada will strengthen relations with NATO (minus the United States), cut the United States out of everything they can, and prepare for an armed confrontation. Few things would decimate the United States more than picking a war with its closest neighbor and longstanding ally.
Similarly, the Danes, the EU, and Greenland must counter near-constant propaganda aimed at Greenland, shore up defenses there, and prepare for an aggressive US.
Tech bro aims to replace the dollar with cryptocurrency align with Christian Nationalist prophecies. Amongst themselves, Christian Nationalists likely hail crypto as the Mark of the Beast.
From 26 November 2024:
Christian Nationalists believe a one-world government leads to a one-world currency, a cashless society where people pay for goods with the Mark of the Beast. The world’s economy would have to be completely destabilized to make every nation relinquish its sovereign currency. What better way to make that happen than to crash the world’s biggest economy and destroy the US dollar, the world’s baseline currency?
From 26 November 2024:
Curiously, Christian Nationalists should want to maintain the NATO alliance since the EU factors into their End Times beliefs.
A break with the US would annul this part of their prophecy, though they may gaslight themselves with the notion that both areas are still allies of Israel.
Nevertheless, Christian Nationalists like Mike Johnson, JD Vance, Josh Hawley, Mike Lee, Tom Cotton, and more will make foreign policy choices drawn from their End Times beliefs. Because why rely on faith in Bible prophecies when one can simply make them come true?
Christian Nationalists see Europe’s destruction as the Last Days on Steroids. They won’t stop recommending policies to accelerate the EU’s decline and fall.
For NATO, the immediate priority has to be getting an enemy US military presence out of Europe and combatting Kremlin and US-backed disinformation and election influence.
Expect United States foreign policy to deteriorate. Christian Nationalist Republicans will allow nothing less. They will cheer every new horror that they believe aids their Last Days prophecies coming true, undermining true Diplomacy in the service of Revelation.
For the balance of the week, I will cover a topic that came up in my Democrats Abroad online presentation over the weekend: HOW DO WE PUSH ON FISSURES BETWEEN THE VARIOUS FASCIST FACTIONS AND GET THEM TO DESTROY EACH OTHER?
Today’s newsletter sets up a discussion of some fundamental cracks in the very dis-unified Christian Nationalist community. We will also look at billionaire and tech bro/techno-state factions, discuss their differing motivations, and contrast them with Christian Nationalism.
Together, we will learn multiple tactics to call attention to areas of disagreement and encourage them to fight amongst themselves. I hope you’ll join us.
Locally I still have people thinking that "tap and pay" is the mark of the beast. I live in a suburban/rural area of Ohio along the Lake Erie shoreline where we get lots of snow and ice at times. Credit card terminals just get dirty and chips in cards get wrecked from corrosion by being used in dirty/wet terminals. Tap and Pay, despite people thinking it is the work of the devil, does let you get away from having to replace credit and debit cards out of cycle because they've simply become unusable from environmental damage. Even at the local stores of big retailers I've seen the Near Field Communications (NFC) modules in credit card terminals "accidentally" damaged to prevent people using Tap and Pay which is just needlessly weird.
(Yes, cash does spend. Inflation is a problem, though. We're getting into Weimar-levels of stupidity in terms of how much cash you need to carry in some cases just for a trip to the grocery store unless you go to a limited-assortment outlet like Aldi.)
When it comes to people trying to drive prophecy forward it results in a skewed view of the world. If God is truly in charge why are you trying to trick God into doing your will? The Bible does say to not test God more than once and trying to force prophecy forward in your own preferred direction would certainly count as such testing.
Here's the irony of it all. They have immense power and the ability to dismantle the government, to swap out the fortune of the US Treasury for worthless bitcoin, to destabilize the world, to follow the Bible as a roadmap to do all these things under the belief that they are bringing on the End Times and hastening the return of Jesus, and thereby making end-time prophecy come true. Had they not done these things, the world would go on as it had, and the prophecies would not be fulfilled. So THEY are the agents of the Anti-Christ. They, thinking they are good, are the penultimate agents of evil. They are the ones mentioned in 2 Thess 2. They are making the Anti-Christ a possibility. The Anti-Christ is the manifestation of their actions.