A Short List of Health-Related Actions to Do NOW
A vaccine denier heads Health and Human Services. How you prepare in the next month could save a life. (Scroll to the end to listen)
Next Wednesday, 26 February at Noon EST, I will be interviewing
about her experiences with the far-right Catholic cult Opus Dei. Our Vice-President is allegedly aligned with this cult.Rundown of upcoming events for PAID SUBSCRIBERS:
25 February 2025 at Noon EST: Substack LIVE interview with
26 February 2025 at Noon EST: Substack LIVE interview with
4 March 2025 at Noon EST: Zoom Democracy Reading Group discussion of Autocracy Inc with NYT bestselling author and Pulitzer Prize winner
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Now that RFK Jr has been confirmed to head the Department of Health and Human Services, Americans need to take several immediate actions to protect themselves and their loved ones.
I’ve put together my list of recommendations. Please drop additional ideas in today’s comments, especially if you’re a healthcare worker or have experience in medical science fields.
Get any vaccinations up to date.
RFK Jr is a conspiracy theorist and vaccine denier. He believes vaccines cause autism, but polio and measles will make America great again. If you or anyone in your household is behind on vaccinations, update them right away.
If you or anyone in your family takes any mental health medication, have a talk with your doctor about options to get the medications you need going forward. Don’t let them gaslight you into thinking this isn’t a threat.
(Since I wrote this newsletter last Friday, they have threatened access to mental health medications. I started predicting this on 15 March 2024. In case skeptical readers need more reason to listen to me.)
This crowd doesn’t believe in medication for mental healthcare. Here’s one thing they endorse instead. SOURCE: Attitude Magazine
U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.), during a confirmation hearing for Health and Human Services Director nominee Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., last week said this: “We have an attention deficit problem in this country… When you and I were growing up, our parents didn’t use a drug, they used a belt and whipped our butt… Nowadays, we give them Adderall and Ritalin. They are like candy across college and high school campuses.”
Kennedy, in his response to Tuberville, falsely claimed that 15% of American children are taking Adderall or other ADHD medications, and that the U.S. is “overmedicating our children” with stimulants, SSRIs, and benzodiazepines for mental health conditions. This juxtaposition — criticizing the American pharmaceutical industry after suggesting corporal punishment as a healthier alternative — struck many in the ADHD community as toxic and dangerous.
This article is from the UK, but it contains the same thinking Christian Nationalists apply to mental healthcare: Read the Bible and pray to fix mental health issues. Don’t medicate.
Stock up on over the counter birth control pills, pregnancy tests, emergency contraception, and more.
These are all targets in a Project 2025-led HHS. Seriously, the only form of birth control recommended in P2025 is fertility awareness based methods, more commonly known as the Catholic rhythm, calendar, and temperature methods.
Just last week, Republicans proposed a bill to ban morning after pills nationwide. Multiple states are trying to ban IUDs and other forms of emergency contraception. Louisiana has classified abortion medication as a controlled substance, and Texas has proposed a bill to follow their lead.
No matter how much anyone calls me hysterical, Christian Nationalists believe hormonal birth control pills cause abortions. Our right to contraception IS NOT A GIVEN. Republicans have repeatedly refused to codify that right nationwide.
Nor is our right to buy pregnancy tests over-the-counter. One of the most effective ways to track pregnancies would be to force pregnant people to go to a clinic to confirm a pregnancy. No more peeing on a stick at home and ordering medication from out-of-state. If you or anyone you care about can get pregnant, buy a supply of over-the-counter pregnancy tests while you can.
Stock up on N-95 masks in the event of an avian flu pandemic (which is becoming more probable by the day.)
Here is a link to a recent breakdown on avian flu from the American Council on Science and Health. In short, scientists are seeing mutations that could cause a human pandemic, though they cannot predict if or when it may occur.
Get a good supply of any over-the-counter medications you rely on.
It’s hard to predict what this crowd will target. If you like a certain pill for migraines, stock up. If you need a steady stream of antacids to help your stressed-out stomach process your food, buy a cache now.
Have a good supply of hormone therapies on hand, whether it be for menopause or trans healthcare.
Because many providers of transgender healthcare also treat menopausal and perimenopausal women, I consider access to all hormone therapy to be in danger. Be proactive. Talk with your healthcare provider about how to obtain these therapies in the event they become more scarce (menopause/perimenopause) or are outlawed altogether (transgender.)
As much as I deplore typing the next sentence, we may be on the brink of widespread violence, especially since the United States is awash in firearms.
Make sure your emergency kit contains supplies for thoroughly cleaning and dressing wounds. Keep instructions on treating gunshot wounds handy.
If pockets of violence break out, anyone could be caught in the crosshairs. Knowing what to do in an emergency could mean the difference between life and death.
"Christian Nationalists believe hormonal birth control pills cause abortions. Our right to contraception IS NOT A GIVEN. Republicans have repeatedly refused to codify that right nationwide."
Some of these folks believe that sexual intercourse should only be for the purpose of procreation. Therefore, since hormonal birth control pills prevent pregnancy, they should be illegal.
If you're concerned about violence, consider taking a wilderness first aid course.
These courses are advanced enough that you learn to do very good patient assessments, talk coherently to ERs and paramedics, stop any external bleeding, splint any fracture and otherwise assess for serious injury including concussion and internal bleeding. Moreover, you're taught to work with materials at hand. You don't need a bunch of fancy gear.
There are many sources of this training near you. The cost is around $200 for a two-day course. It's like drinking from a fire hose. I've recertified six times and have learned something new each time. For example, if you come upon a nasty car accident, you will know what to do until the first responders arrive.
You can get PPE supplies at this site:
Masks of all types, as well as face shields and other items. Fast shipping. Excellent prices.
(No financial or other consideration for mentioning this site. I'm just a satisfied customer.)